ANGRY MONKS! - Clash of Clans

ANGRY MONKS! is Loyal group of "gamers" interested in getting better at the art of clashing and improving each others craft.  Clan operates in a respectful, drama free environment.  We are serious but fun, balanced and passionate, we have a broad age group and are  from all over the world.  Come join us - you can find us in game by the name "ANGRY MONKS!" and a yellow and black shield (below).  Angry Monk is our leader. (And one of the origanal Co- founders of this clan.)


Who are we?

Are we active?  Do we donate?  Do we war?  Can I be Co-leader?

Active - yes everyday most of the day.  Thankfully we are from all over the USA and World.  So lots of us are on at different times. 

Donations are the reason to be in a clan.  We always have several individual members in the 5000+ donates.

War - We war mostly back to back with the occasional 24 hour break. 

Co-Leader - you can be Co-leader by participating, being a key part of the team, donating, showing selflessness and growing the clan.  You can do it - I know you can.

Current Co-Leads as of  Feb  2024 :-  

Will (Wee Willie and Its Gods Will),  (Co-Founder & Clan Cop),  

Jacob, Grumpy Monk, Deez Nuts, Hunter,  Hunts mini,   ZombieMagician,  Evrolt,  Evil Blade, The Punisher,  XLNC, Lion Warrior,  Mini Pun, Celtic Mason.

We are the original ANGRY MONKS clan founded 2014. There are copies out there but not as mature as this original. (Also Sister/Cousin clans NOTASangryMONKS, NOTALLMonks, HANGRY MONKS CWL.)

Come Join Us!